Why is your credit score important? Your score determines what kind of financial options you have.
You can get a free copy of your credit report by going to AnnualCreditReport.com. This site is an initiative mandating that the 3 major credit reporting agencies allow consumers free access to their credit report once every 12 months. I accentuate the word “free” here because there are several other websites with similar names which are not free at all; this is where you want to go. Your free annual credit report is only available
- oneline through www.annualcreditreport.com
- by Phone 877-322-8228; or
- by mail at: Annual Credit Report Request Service, PO Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281
I highly recommend that you take advantage of AnnualCreditReport.com every year as one additional step in protecting yourself from identity theft and to make sure your credit is in good order for the next time you need a mortgage. Obviously solid credit also benefits what you pay insurance companies, what interest rates you pay on vehicles, etc.
Questions? Contact me …
Pauline Lee | pauline@indmortgage.com | (508) 525-5415 | https://www.indmortgage.com/freecreditreport